

Posted on
06 | 08 | 2019


The 23rd EDIT IT Summer School welcomed over 100 students in seven cities across the region, from Ljubljana to Maribor, Belgrade to Kragujevac and Cacak, and Sarajevo to Banja Luka. The leitmotif of EDIT was “Construct Your Future” for the second year in a row. Students were given the opportunity to have a great time while working under the mentorship of Comtrade experts on some really cool real-world projects from the forefront of IT.

EDIT’s intensive program started on the 15th of July this year and led our “EDITeers” through their projects and various team building activities in an effort to inspire them to pursue exciting IT careers. It all culminated on the 26th with an award ceremony where students received certification of completion of EDIT IT Summer School.

As always, the topics at EDIT were the latest in the world of IT, rounding up subjects such as logistics, blockchain, AR, cloud, Data Visualization and more, into a fun and exciting curriculum meant to help students get a real feel of what’s going on in the IT industry currently and what their jobs might be like one day.

We tried out something different this year, setting two separate teams in Kragujevac and Cacak to work on the same project. They were tasked with enhancing logistics using third generation blockchain technology to create an Angular platform and mobile app that was to benefit every aspect of freighting. They got together in the end to combine their results and complete the project.

The topic in Belgrade was “AR assisted manual palletizing, which entailed creating an AR-powered mobile app which was to ease the process of stacking goods on pallets.

Banja Luka’s topic was also related to the logistics industry, tasking students with creating Smart cargo containers using Machine Learning and AI to make tracking their location, state and more readily available and trackable through a web app for monitoring and managing the collected data.

The Sarajevo students learned how to implement an interactive chat app, delving into technologies such as Java, Spring Cloud Framework and Angular, while learning about cloud infrastructure.

Students in Ljubljana also touched the clouds, working to create a notification portal based on Google Cloud services and Google Home technology.

Maribor was focused on Data Visualization and software interfaces, taking old tech and upgrading it to be “smart”, proving that some legacy tech can be more than obsolete.

Our hands-on learning approach, lectures, presentations and a whole array of fun activities has attracted over 1000 students in the past 23 years, a number of which have started and continued their careers right here at Comtrade.

One EDIT student said that he felt privileged to have participated in EDIT, learned new things about new technologies, had the opportunity to meet new people and to see firsthand what working in an international IT company is like and what is expected of its employees.

Another EDIT student said that she is very pleased with the whole experience she had at EDIT and felt that a lot was covered and learned which will surely prove more than useful in the future, most of all what it’s like to work under pressure and deadlines – something that they had not had an opportunity to experience through their universities.

On behalf of Comtrade and everyone that was part of the organizational team of EDIT19, we’d like to thank the students, mentors and project coordinators for making one more successful year at EDIT.

To find out more about EDIT, visit the official website: