Experience the value of Quality with Comtrade at SQD 2016
Comtrade is pleased to announce its 4th sponsorship in a row at one of the biggest conventions on software quality in Europe – Software Quality Days 2016, Jan 18-21 in Hotel Savoyen, Vienna. This year’s key subject will be focused on the future of systems and software development: to build in the quality and the efficiency right from the start.
High quality of software and systems are success-critical issues in engineering projects that can have a major impact on product, process, and service quality. Quality attributes have to be embodied within individual phases of software and systems development.
Well-established approaches, methods, and tools support the construction and maintenance of high-quality products, process, and services.
Changed product, process, and service requirements, e.g., distributed engineering projects, mobile applications, involvement of heterogeneous disciplines and stakeholders, frequent changing requirements, extended application areas, and new technologies include new challenges and might require new and adapted methods and tools to support quality assurance activities early. Read more about the keynotes here.

Preview of the SQD 2015 in Vienna. Welcome to visit us again this year!
Comtrade’s Presentation: Protect a modern car from cybersecurity threats
When: Wednesday, 20 Jan at 3:15 PM
Where: Solution Provider Forum
Sneak Peak:
Tadej Vodopivec, Information Security Manager at Comtrade, will outline how threat models can be used to improve security design of software components and solutions, and to define more meaningful penetration tests. The approach makes the most sense when dealing with unknown unknown, such as development of advanced functionalities for modern cars.
About the speaker:
Tadej Vodopivec works as Information Security Manager in Comtrade. His responsibilities include security and compliance in information systems development in banking, health, automotive, hospitality and other sectors. He has dealt with securing web and mobile technologies, embedded systems and cloud services. He is engaged in tasks ranging from business consulting to security testing. He holds BA in software engineering and CISSP, CISA, CBCP certifications. He is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 auditor and manager.
Some things just can’t be compromised
When it comes to quality of your software there is no room for error. That’s why you need a partner you can trust. Comtrade understands the importance of high quality software and has the right expertise, tools and processes to help you deliver software that is reliable, detect-free and ready for the market.
Find out more about Comtrade’s Quality Assuarance and Testing Services.